Final Project
Daniel Tafmizi
Lis 4273
Dr. Ajani
April 21, 2024
Final Project
My final project uses a World Health Organization data set that tracks weekly deaths and cases (D/C) of Covid 19. I subsetted the United States of America and Canada data rows. I am interested in learning about the D/C ratio between the years of each country, as well as the D/C ratio between the countries. This offers useful insight into the healthcare and social systems of the countries. Having the D/C ratio decrease over time shows that better healthcare and social practices are being implemented. It also acts as a measure of the country's overall healthcare systems.
I will use what I have learned in this class to run Anova analysis on the data. I will detail the process I took as I go along. As a sidenote, it is important I note that the data may have some departures due to local adaptations (WHO). Such as, what they consider a covid death or how they timeline the report. However, taking a yearly approach should avoid these issues.
data <- read.csv("C:/Users/dtafm/Downloads/WHO-COVID-19-global-data.csv")
USData <- na.omit(sqldf("SELECT Date_reported, New_cases, New_deaths FROM data WHERE Country LIKE 'United States of America'"))
USData$relation <- USData$New_deaths/USData$New_cases
I start by reading in the data file. I use the slqdf function to subset all non-na US data. Then I create a new column to hold the D/C ratios of each week.
data2020 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM USData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2020%'"))
data2021 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM USData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2021%'"))
data2022 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM USData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2022%'"))
data2023 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM USData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2023%'"))
max_length <- length(data2021$relation)
USdf <- data.frame(us2020 = c(data2020$relation, rep(NA, max_length - length(data2020$relation))),
us2021 = c(data2021$relation, rep(NA, max_length - length(data2021$relation))),
us2022 = c(data2022$relation, rep(NA, max_length - length(data2022$relation))),
us2023 = c(data2023$relation, rep(NA, max_length - length(data2023$relation))))
newdfus <- data.frame(Group = rep(c("us2020","us2021", "us2022", "us2023"),each=52),
data = c(USdf$us2020, USdf$us2021, USdf$us2022,USdf$us2023 ))
Dunn (1964) Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison
p-values adjusted with the Holm method.
Comparison Z P.unadj P.adj
1 us2020 - us2021 2.178917 2.933785e-02 5.867570e-02
2 us2020 - us2022 7.274403 3.479565e-13 2.087739e-12
3 us2021 - us2022 5.322061 1.025979e-07 5.129894e-07
4 us2020 - us2023 3.176151 1.492432e-03 5.969728e-03
5 us2021 - us2023 1.559085 1.189764e-01 1.189764e-01
6 us2022 - us2023 -2.407746 1.605135e-02 4.815405e-02
This test shows us that there were significant differences between the years 2020-2022, 2021-2022, 2020-2023, and 2022-2023.
USdataTS <-ts(USData$relation, frequency = 52, start=c(2020,10), end = c(2023, 21))
The visualization shows a major spike in early 2020 that levels out by the latter half of the year.The following years show a great deal of volatility. The Anova analysis fits well with the visual-ization. One thing I find interesting is the intense volatility. I expected a continual negative trendover time. Our mean D/C is about 0.016. I wonder how this compares to Canada.
I redid the same data munging to retrieve the subset of Canadian rows.
CanData <- na.omit(sqldf("SELECT Date_reported, New_cases, New_deaths FROM data WHERE Country LIKE 'Canada'"))CanData$New_deaths <- abs(CanData$New_deaths) # one of the values is negative. I am assuming it was meant to be positive
CanData$relation <- CanData$New_deaths/CanData$New_cases
Cdata2020 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM CanData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2020%'"))
Cdata2021 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM CanData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2021%'"))
Cdata2022 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM CanData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2022%'"))
Cdata2023 <- as.vector(sqldf("SELECT relation FROM CanData WHERE date_reported LIKE '2023%'"))
max_lengthc<- length(Cdata2021$relation)
Candf <- data.frame(can2020 = c(Cdata2020$relation, rep(NA, max_lengthc - length(Cdata2020$relation))),
can2021 = c(Cdata2021$relation, rep(NA, max_lengthc - length(Cdata2021$relation))),
can2022 = c(Cdata2022$relation, rep(NA, max_lengthc - length(Cdata2022$relation))),
can2023 = c(Cdata2023$relation, rep(NA, max_lengthc - length(Cdata2023$relation))))
newdfcan <- data.frame(Group = rep(c("can2020","can2021", "can2022", "can2023"),each=52),
data = c(Candf$can2020, Candf$can2021, Candf$can2022,Candf$can2023 ))
I performed the same tests.
different sample sizes. Thus, I chose to use the same Kruskal-Wallis test.
Null Hypothesis: The median is equal across all groupsAlternative Hypothesis: The median is not equal across all groups
kruskal.test(data~Group, data = newdfcan)
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: data by Group
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 34.609, df = 3, p-value = 1.474e-07
Given the extremely low P-value, we reject the null hypothesis. We agree that there are
significant differences between the medians of the years. To see where these differences lie, I will use the post hoc Dunn's Test.
dunnTest(data~Group, data = newdfcan)
Dunn (1964) Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison
p-values adjusted with the Holm method.
Comparison Z P.unadj P.adj
1 can2020 - can2021 3.69125444 2.231508e-04 6.694523e-04
2 can2020 - can2022 3.76318265 1.677646e-04 6.710583e-04
3 can2021 - can2022 0.07608929 9.393481e-01 9.393481e-01
4 can2020 - can2023 -0.78249371 4.339245e-01 8.678490e-01
5 can2021 - can2023 -4.48913858 7.151177e-06 3.575588e-05
6 can2022 - can2023 -4.56058639 5.101097e-06 3.060658e-05
This test shows us that there were significant differences between the years 2021-2022 and 2020-2023.
CanDataTS <-ts(CanData$relation, frequency = 52, start=c(2020,10), end = c(2023, 21))
plot(CanDataTS, yaxt = "n")
axis(side=2, at=seq(0,.15,by = .02))
Canda has a similar trend to the United States. We see a major spike in early 2020, that levels out by the latter half of the year. We continue to see volatility. The mean D/C ratio is about 0.02. This is 25% higher than the US D/C ratio. I guess it is true that you get what you pay for.
For my last section, I will do an Anova between US and Canada joined years.
trimmed <- data.frame(USData[3:168,4] ,CanData[1:166, 4])
colnames(trimmed) <- c("USratio", "Canratio")
They have similar variances and distributions. A normal two-way Anova will suffice.I will start with a T-test of trimmed data. I trimmed the data to include weeks where both countries reported their D/C. This ensures there are differences in the means before I useAnova with different sample sizes.
Tres <- t.test(data = trimmed, trimmed$USratio, trimmed$Canratio)
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: trimmed$USratio and trimmed$Canratio
t = -1.9545, df = 262.88, p-value = 0.0517
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-8.261529e-03 3.057302e-05
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
0.01574676 0.01986224
While the P-value is barely greater than .05. I would still like to do more research into the differences.
allDF <- data.frame(Country = rep(c("US", "Canda"), each = 208),
year = rep(c("us2020","us2021", "us2022", "us2023","can2020","can2021", "can2022", "can2023"),each=52),
data = c(USdf$us2020, USdf$us2021, USdf$us2022,USdf$us2023, Candf$can2020, Candf$can2021, Candf$can2022,Candf$can2023 ))
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between US and Canada D/C ratio meansAlternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference between US and Canada D/C ratio means
model <- aov(data ~ Country * year, data = allDF)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Country 1 0.00100 0.001002 3.69 0.0556 .
year 6 0.02909 0.004849 17.85 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 347 0.09424 0.000272
Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = data ~ Country * year, data = allDF)
diff lwr upr p adj
US-Canda -0.003365008 -0.006810499 8.048297e-05 0.0555658
diff lwr upr p adj
us2020-can2020 -0.0082691606 -0.019110368 0.0025720471 0.2824439
us2021-can2021 0.0063207912 -0.003535028 0.0161766110 0.5135135
us2022-can2022 0.0005957571 -0.009260063 0.0104515768 0.9999996
us2023-can2023 -0.0029329410 -0.016639783 0.0107739013 0.9980541
I trimmed the post hoc results to meet my needs. I am interested in seeing the year-to-year comparison between US and Canada. Given the high P-values for each comparison, we can accept the null hypothesis. That means the year-to-year interchange of US and Canada D/C ratio does not significantly differ. The years 2020 and 2021 show some differences, but not a significant amount. The years 2022 and 2023 show nearly no difference.
Expectations: I expected that both countries would see a continual negative trend in D/C ratio.I expected that Canada would have a lower D/C ratio. My uncle lives in Toronto, Ca, and I visit yearly. The area was extremely strict on masks and vaccinations, at a time where Florida was becoming more lenient.
Results: Both countries experienced similar year-to-year interchange of D/C ratio. Each country's Anova analysis shows significant differences over the years. The joinedcomparison Anova analysis shows no significant differences. US and Canda experienced. similar spikes and volatility, as opposed to my negative trend expectation. Canada's D/C ratio was 25% higher than the United States, as opposed to my expectation that Canada will havea lower D/C ratio.
ReferencesDalgaard, P. (2008). Introductory statistics with R (2nd ed.). Springer.
World Health Organization. (Accessed April, 2024). Covid-19 data | who covid-19 dashboard. World Health Organization.
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