Module 7 Assignment
Daniel Tafmizi
Lis 4273
Dr. Ajani
February 23, 2024
Module 7 Assignment
Question 1)
x <- c(16, 17, 13, 18, 12, 14, 19, 11, 11, 10)
y <- c(63, 81, 56, 91, 47, 57, 76, 72, 62, 48)
Y = a + bX +e
1.1 Define the relationship model between the predictor and the response variable:
model <- lm(y~x) R equation for x,y relationship. Y is the target, x is the predictor
Relationship Model : Y = 19.206 + 3.269X, RSE =10.48 the relationship has a positive correlation
1.2 Calculate the coefficients?
summary(model) gives information about the relationship model
regression coefficient = 3.269, intercept coefficient = 19.206
question 2)
discharge <- c(3.600,1.800,3.333,2.283,4.533,2.883)
waiting <- c(79,54,74,62,85,55)
visit <- data.frame(discharge, waiting)
model2 <- lm(discharge ~ waiting, data=visit)
Relationship Model : Y= -1.53317 + 0.06756X, RSE = 0.4724, the relationship has a positive correlation
coeffs = coefficients(model2); coeffs # extracts coefficients of model2
(Intercept) waiting
-1.53317418 0.06755757
waitingnew <- 80
duration <- coeffs[1] + coeffs [2]*waitingnew # applies new value to relation model equation
time = 3.871431
With 80 waiting, the discharge time should be near 3.871431 minutes
question 3)
input <- mtcars[,c("mpg","disp","hp","wt")]
model3 <- lm(formula = mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = input)
# The model evaluates how disp, hp, and wt affect mpg. The coefficients are all negative and the p-value is low, meaning an increase in disp, hp, or weight is highly associated with a decrease in MPG. Weight has the greatest effect on mpg, where a change of 1 mpg was noted by a change of -3.8 in weight. following is hp which saw a correlation of -.03, and disp which saw a correlation of -.0006.
#question 4)
model4<- lm(metabolic.rate~body.weight,data=rmr)
coeffs = coefficients(model4); coeffs
newWeight <- 70
metabolic.rateNew1 <- coeffs[1] + coeffs [2]*newWeight
metabolic rate = 1305.394
The metabolic rate of a 70 kg person should be near 1305.394
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