First Day Assignment

Daniel Tafmizi

LIS 4273

Dr. Friedman

January 10, 2024

First Day Assignment


This application is nice. It feels like a regular word-processing app. It is also free.


The R console download was quick. A little bit sketchy, made me double-check check I had a recent recovery drive set up.

The Rstudio download was quick as well. Less sketchy looking. There are a lot of buttons.


The Syllabus seems straightforward. I am excited to start my journey of understanding the learning outcomes. 


Statistics: Statistics is the mathematical process of collecting and defining data to form rational inferences. It is an efficiency practice that allows large sets of data to be more easily interpreted.

Analytics: I do not have a strong understanding of analytics. After some research, I am confused about the difference between statistics and analytics. It seems analytics is used more in the business side of things. Where the datum is used to form rational inferences that businesses use to make their decisions. 


R: An open-source coding language that uses a command line interpreter. It is designed for data scientists to manipulate, model, and chart data sets. It has built-in functions designed for data analysis.


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