
Module 6 4930

Daniel Tafmizi Dr. Friedman Lis 4930 June 24, 2024 Module 6 GitHub link:  DanielDataGit/lis4930 ( Comments: I did not run into much trouble completing the assignment questions. I did not rely on google as much as some of the previous assignments. The datetime module was easy to use. Questions: I was confused with what the first question asked. Did I answer it correctly? Can you use logical operators with datetime to subset data from a list?  from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import sys for line in sys.stdin: data = line.strip().split( " \t " ) if len (data) == 6 : date, time, store, item, cost, payment = data # create local datetime object date_time = print ( "{0} \t {1} \t {2}" .format(item, cost, date_time)) # Add 1 day time1 = + timedelta( days = 1 ) print (time1) # Subtract 60 seconds from prior time2 = time1 - timedelta( seconds = 60 ) print (time2) # Add

Module 5 4930

Daniel Tafmizi Dr. Friedman Lis 4930 June 17, 2024 Module 5 GitHub link:  DanielDataGit/lis4930 ( Comments: This is my first time using the class object maker. I see how this can be used to create efficient and reproducible objects. I appreciate the way python classes are constructed and customized. Furthermore, I am starting to enjoy using the pycharm IDE. At first, I had difficulty using the applications features, but I have become more nuanced towards them. The IDE's autocomplete helped me a few times in this assignment. Question: Is it respected to use the "posn" name as a local name in my functions? I re-used the name in my create and offset functions.  # module 5 assignment class Rectangle: """ A class to manufacture rectangle objects """ def __init__ ( self , posn, w, h): """ Initialize rectangle at posn, with width w, height h """ self .corner = posn self .width

Module 4 4930

Daniel Tafmizi Dr. Friedman Lis 4930 June 10, 2024 Module 4 GitHub link:  DanielDataGit/lis4930 ( Comments: I enjoyed going back to my algebra days. It has been a while since I reviewed quadratic equations and had to do some googling. Overall, I did not run into much trouble with the prompts. For the second question I kept putting x/y instead of x/n, but I resolved the issue after some mental focusing.  Question: How can I prevent the "none" at the end of the incDenominator script? I resolved the issue. I was printing a print. import math def quadraticroots (a, b, c): # calculate discriminant discriminant = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c # plus minus sign fancysym = u" \u00B1 " # calculates roots based off of discriminant if discriminant > 0 : print ( f"The roots are: { (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / ( 2 * a) } , { (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / ( 2 * a) } " ) elif discriminant == 0 : print ( f"The ro

Module 3 4930

Daniel Tafmizi Dr. Friedman Lis 4930 May 27, 2024 Module 3 # 1: Write a function that takes in a person's name, and prints out a greeting. # list of friends friends = [ "John" , "Michael" , "Oliver" ] # list of greetings greetings = [ "hello [friend], how are you doing." , "Hows the weather treating you [friend]." , "How ya been [friend]." ] # goes through greetings for x in greetings: # goes through friends for y in friends: #replaces [friend] with friends (y) final = x.replace( "[friend]" , y) print (final) # 2: Full name function #function that accepts two objects def full_name (x,y): #Formats result by stripping white space on either end and creates greeting print ( "Hello, " + str .strip(x) + " " + str .strip(y)) full_name( "Daniel" , "Tafmizi" ) full_name( " Doctor " , " Friedman" ) full_name( "Abraha

Module 2 4930

 Daniel Tafmizi Dr. Friedman Lis 4930 May 27, 2024 Module 2 Assignment:  print ( 'Hello World' ) Hello World String1 = 'Welcome to the Geeks World' print ( "String with the use of Single Quotes: " ) print (String1) String with the use of Single Quotes: Welcome to the Geeks World It seems that the print and string functions work seamlessly. The string function offers a "playground" for modification and structuring. The print function allows the user to use the string in their program. The example above shows a simple use case. String1 holds a string, that is later called in the program. More advanced uses of this can begin handling user data or allow for manipulation techniques. Notes: Run python in cmd - I did not run into much trouble. Initially, I could not link the script file to the cmd. I tried typing "python3" and it directed me to a Microsoft store download. After downloading the MS python, I was able to type "python3" and

Final Project

Daniel Tafmizi Lis 4273 Dr. Ajani  April 21, 2024 Final Project     My final project uses a World Health Organization data set that tracks weekly deaths and cases (D/C) of Covid 19. I subsetted the United States of America and Canada data rows. I am interested in learning about the  D/C  ratio between the years of each country, as well as the  D/C  ratio between the countries. This offers useful insight into the healthcare and social systems of the countries. Having the  D/C  ratio decrease over time shows that better healthcare and social practices are being implemented. It also acts as a measure of the country's overall healthcare systems.     I will use what I have learned in this class to run Anova analysis on the data. I will detail the process I took as I go along. As a sidenote, it is important I note that the data may have some departures due to local adaptations (WHO). Such as, what they consider a covid death or how they timeline the report. However, taking a yearly appr